We need to hear from you!

The El Paso County Department of Human Services (DHS) has a Quality Assurance Program that helps ensure quality services for all who come in contact with the department. It is our commitment to continually improve those services.

We want to hear from our customers about what we are doing well, what needs to be improved and how we can be most responsive to customer needs. The Quality Assurance Program was developed to monitor our actions and ensure excellence in customer service.


We have forms available in our DHS lobbies and online for your feedback.

If you have a concern that you have not been able to resolve through administrative or managerial procedures, you may contact:

  • Quality Assurance Department
    El Paso County Department of Human Services
    P.O. Box 2692
    Colorado Springs, CO 80901
  • (719) 444-5544
  • QA@elpasoco.com

We have an Employee Conduct Grievance Form may be submitted in QA drop boxes in the main DHS lobby at the Citizens Service Center, to any DHS employee providing services to you or submitted via email to the email listed above.

Recognizing Excellence

If you had a stellar experience with a DHS employee, consider completing a Star Awards form online or find a physical form in the DHS lobby at the Citizens Service Center The Star Awards offer opportunities for customers to share positive remarks about interactions with DHS staff.

El Paso County Department of Human Services Comprehensive Civil Rights Plan
The plan is posted in the DHS lobby at the Citizens Service Center and at all of our locations. If you are unable to read the document online and need a verbal explanation, call Quality and Development Services Director/DHS Civil Rights Officer Asya Rozental at 719-444-5531.

El Paso County Department of Human Services Comprehensive Civil Rights Plan
The plan is posted in the DHS lobby. If you are unable to read the document online and need a verbal explanation, call Quality and Development Services Director/DHS Civil Rights Officer Asya Rozental at 719-444-5531.