Serving the community

The Department of Human Services (DHS) operates at five locations with set hours, though individual schedules may vary.

The main lobby is at the Citizens Service Center on the first floor; the entrance is to the right of the building’s main automatic doors. The visitation center is on the third floor.

Different locations are open select days and certain hours, and DHS staff will not be available on holidays observed by the County. DHS sites within other offices may be closed following posted holiday schedules or other closures, such as weather.

Citizens Service Center building outside

Apply and Check Your Benefits Online

Colorado PEAK is the fast and easy way to access benefit information – anytime and anywhere. PEAK is an online service for Coloradans to screen and apply for medical, food, cash, and early childhood assistance programs.

Computers are available at many DHS locations for the public to use to access Colorado PEAK.

Transportation in Colorado Springs

Details for Mountain Metropolitan Transit, including times and route information, is on the Colorado Springs website.

Transportation from Fountain

Fountain Valley Senior Center offers transportation assistance to eligible individuals living in Fountain, Widefield, Security, Stratmoor Valley, Stratmoor Hills, Fort Carson and south of Drennan Road. In Eastern El Paso County, transportation is available for those residing in Falcon, Ellicott, Rush, Yoder, Peyton and Calhan. For more information, please visit For more information about transportation assistance in Eastern El Paso County, please call (719) 600-2643.

Main Office/EBT Site

1675 Garden of the Gods Rd, Colorado Springs, CO 80907

All services are available at this location on the first floor, including EBT card services.

Office Hours: 7:30 a.m. – 4:30 p.m. Mondays-Fridays

Contact Number: (719) 636-0000

Phone Lines Closed On County Holidays.

Online Applications

Apply online, make changes, view benefit information, access correspondence, submit documentation

Calhan Office

328 10th St Calhan, CO 80808

A technician is available to answer questions about medical and food assistance, and receive all types of documentation (initial applications, re-certifications, and verifications). Please call before visiting the site.

Office Hours: 9 a.m. – 12 p.m. and 1 p.m. – 4:30 p.m. Wednesdays

Contact Number: (719) 636-0000

Phone Lines Closed On County Holidays.

Fountain Office/EBT Site (Peak Vista)

350 Lyckman Dr Fountain, CO 80817

DHS staff are located within the Peak Vista Community Health Center. A technician is available to answer questions about medical and food assistance, and receive all types of documentation (initial applications, re-certifications, and verifications). Please call for more information or hours of EBT card services at this location. This site may be closed following posted holiday schedules or other closures, such as weather.

Office Hours: 7:30 a.m.- 12 p.m. and 1 p.m. – 4:30 p.m. Mondays – Fridays

Contact Number: (719) 636-0000

Phone Lines Closed On County Holidays.

Springs Rescue Mission

5 W Las Vegas St Colorado Springs, CO 80903

A technician is available to answer questions about medical and food assistance, and receive all types of documentation (initial applications, re-certifications, and verifications). Please call before visiting the site. This site may be closed following posted holiday schedules or other closures, such as weather.

Hours: 8:30 a.m. – 12 p.m. and 1 p.m. – 3:30 p.m. Mondays – Fridays

Contact Number: (719) 636-0000

Phone Lines Closed On County Holidays.

Jet Wing Office/EBT Site (Peak Vista)

1815 Jet Wing Dr, Colorado Springs, CO 80916

DHS staff are located within the Peak Vista Community Health Center. A technician is available to answer questions about medical and food assistance, and receive all types of documentation (initial applications, re-certifications, and verifications). Please call for more information or hours of EBT card services at this location. This site may be closed following posted holiday schedules or other closures, such as weather.

Office Hours: Mondays – Fridays, 7:30 a.m. – 12 p.m. and 1 p.m. – 4 p.m.

Contact Number: (719) 636-0000

Phone Lines Closed On County Holidays.

WIC (Women, Infants & Children)

El Paso County Public Health’s WIC (Women Infants and Children) offers supplemental food assistance, information on healthy eating, breastfeeding support and community referrals. WIC supports moms, dads, and caregivers of young children across the state, including moms who recently had a baby or are pregnant. Please call 719-578-3199, Option 6 for more information or visit the website. You can apply for WIC through the Colorado PEAK application or through the referral link.